We are entrepreneurs who provide capital, skills, and industry knowledge to Web3 founders. We are searching for the next exponential networks and see blockchain at the heart of this opportunity. As the crypto ecosystem matures, so does our conviction that blockchain, decentralisation, and open-source code will be the fundamental building blocks of our future; code will not only be a force for re-architecting our economies but also act as a catalyst for rapid innovation and growth.


Timothy Stevenson
GP & co-founder, London
Based in London
Structured finance and modelling x 10 years
(VP @Bear Stearns, Partner @Andante Capital) -
Board Advisor @Deltec Bank
Venture investor > 10 startups
Co-founder @fwrd hydration drink
Board advisor @BitcoinPoint
Mathematics degree Edinburgh
Bio >

Nicolas Reynaud
GP & co-founder, Paris
US Permanent resident, 10 years in London & California
Digital transformation x 15 years (CMO @Sears, @Mulliez Family Office…)
Pre-seed investor and advisor @Voyager Digital
Founding Team @laCollection.io
Board Member @Particle
Harvard Business School 'core' 1-yr executive
Bio >

Gonzague de la Tournelle
GP & co-founder, Paris
Digital expert x 20 years (AOL, Nokia, Madvertise)
Founder @Madvertise
(IPO Alternext) sold to Azerion (07/22) -
Affiliate Founding Partner @TGV/True Global Ventures (SandBox, Animoca, Chromaway…)
Partner @50 Partners
BA / Advisor / Board member > 20 startups
HEC Launchpad Jury
INSEAD Blockchain technology certificate
ICADE Madrid
Bio >

Caibuo Capital
GP, Luxembourg
Founded in 2012 by CEO Dimitri Couderc
Investment Management Company Chapter 16
SIF AIFM funds Management Company with European Distribution Passport
Registered Track-Record in European Alternative Fund Management
Authorized and regulated by CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg)
About >